
 I created a cute version of human hands and tiger claws to hold 6 different elements to represent the Lunar new year. I used bold color and stroke illustrations in this red envelope design to create a joyful Lunar new year.
Wish Everything Goes Well 
柿:shì(persimmon)pronounced like 事:shì(thing)in Chinese with the phrase, 柿柿(事事)如意 
大吉(桔)大利 dà jí dà lì (Mandarin)daai gat daai lei6(Cantonese) 
Great fortune and great favor 
-桔:jié or gat(Citrus)pronounced like 吉:jí or gat(thing)in Chinese with the phrase, 大吉(桔)大利 
“元宝”gold ingot which is an odd-shaped gold ingot formerly used as money💰
In lunar new year, red envelope symbolizes good luck and is a symbol to ward off evil spirits. 
the Chinese character 發(Fā) has same meaning as 發財(Fācái), which are getting rich and gain wealth.

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